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Netscape && FTP sites

I was recently looking for documentation on the Netscape site and I found
something which disturbed me a bit.  (The Netscape site isn't lynx-friendly,
so I can't search it now for a citation.)

Is it true that, when connecting to an anonymous FTP site, Netscape sends
username anonymous and password "mozilla@<site>"?  It was my understanding
(in fact, the FTP sites I maintain say this explicitly) that the password
specified is to be the email address of the person requesting (or submitting)
the data.  What I recall reading is that Netscape -always- sends this bogus
address even if the user has entered her real address into the browser's

Is this true?  Does this seem like a problem to anyone else?  Is it patchable?

Seth I. Rich - seth@hygnet.com - (610) 859-0100
Systems Administrator / Webmaster, HYGNet       My words are my own; please
Rabbits on walls, no problem.                   don't blame my employer!
